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  • Canada Moves Toward Increased Talc Restrictions

Canada Moves Toward Increased Talc Restrictions - Bonne News

Canada became the first country to legally restrict the use of talc-based products for public safety. In April, Health Canada issued an official recommendation that loose talc products, such as body powder, baby powder and genital deodorant, could cause serious lung problems and ovarian cancer. Proposed restrictions on the use of talc for over-the-counter drugs.

According to KCIC, a prominent Washington, D.C.-based legal consulting firm, the majority of talc product lawsuits in the U.S. are related to ovarian cancer.

Following the Canadian announcement, the FDA is expected to issue its own updated recommendations this summer on how to test asbestos in talc products, which may cause restrictions.

In response to these circumstances, Health Canada concluded a joint venture with Environment and Climate Change Canada, advising citizens to avoid female genital exposure to talc.


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