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  • 8 Ingredient Trends for 2021 & Packaging’s New Normal

8 Ingredient Trends for 2021 & Packaging’s New Normal - Bonne News

Beauty brands, now more than ever, are pressured to prove that they are providing natural, sustainable and effective ingredients in consumers’ favorite go-to products.

In this regard, beauty brands Acme-Hardesty, Alpha Packaging, BASF Personal Care, North America, Bio Component Research, Campo Research, Centerchem, Croda, Evonik, Givaudan Active Beauty, Grant Industries, Inc., IFF Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, LipoTrue, McKernan Packaging Clearing House, Oh, Oh Organic, Praan Naturals, Sabinsa Corporation, SamHwa USA, Symrise, Sytheon, and Tagra Biotechnologies have commented on upcycling materials.

When it comes to upcycling, Jennifer King, director of marketing for cosmetic ingredients at Symrise, and Arnoldo Fonseca, marketing manager at Evonik, say that upcycling is a big factor in quickly understanding consumer needs.

The upcycling process raises the components of discarded materials and recycles them into beauty care products, and several brands have launched an active ingredient line, saying that it should follow the upcycling trend.

As a result, marketing using plant-based active ingredient lines among materials that can be recycled as upcycling materials is a task that beauty brands in the new normal era should think about.


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